During the season of Lent, we are called to renew our baptismal commitment as we pray for true inner conversion, seeking to follow Christ more faithfully through the service to others. During this time of contemplation, we encourage you to consider volunteer opportunities throughout our community including Catholic Charities of West Tennessee. Catholic Charities works to end hunger, end homelessness, and offer hope to families. Please see the volunteer opportunities below!
1.Mobile Food Pantry: Volunteers are needed to help collect data, load food boxes into cars, and direct traffic.
2.Outreach Food & Clothing: Volunteers are needed to help distribute food and hygiene items. On Mondays & Wednesdays, volunteers assist with the distribution of clothing items.
3. Hospitality Kits: If you are unable to volunteer at this time, please consider supporting Catholic Charities in their effort to create and distribute hospitality bags to our brothers and sisters in need across the city of Memphis. This can also be a fun activity to do with kids as they can help shop and find the needed items and put together kits! Please see the list of items needed below and please place individual bags into the bin in the back of the church labeled Catholic Charities Hospitality Kits by Easter Sunday, April 17th.
Hospitality Kit Items: 1 toothbrush 1 small tube of toothpaste 1 razor 1 small package of shaving gel 1 stick deodorant 1 washcloth 1 small box of raisins or fruit snacks 1 pouch capri sun or juice box 1 quart size Ziploc bag
If you’re looking for additional ways to serve in the Memphis community throughout this Lenten season, we encourage you to check out www.givepulse.com. It is a hub for all volunteer events in Memphis.
If you have any questions, please email Lauren at [email protected].