All are invited to join us for the St. Peter tradition of "Wednesdays in Lent" - gathering for prayer, fellowship and Lenten reflection as a parish. 6:00 PM - Prayer (See below for full schedule) 6:30 PM - Simple Supper and Fellowship in the Parish Hall 7:00 PM - The Chosen (Viewing of film and discussion led by Fr. John Dominic Sims OP)
Wednesdays in Lent Film Series Led by Fr. John Dominic Sims O.P. March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 St. Peter Church Parish Hall All are invited to join us for the viewing of the series and discussion, beginning with Season 1. The Chosen is a multi-season series about the life of Jesus. In Season 1, we will experience Jesus’ calling of his first disciples and the beginning of his public ministry.
We are delighted to announce a return to our tradition of "Wednesdays in Lent" - gathering for prayer, fellowship and study as a parish. Prayer at 6:00, Simple Supper and Fellowship at 6:30, Study at 7:00. Please see below for ways you can help with the Simple Suppers this Lent.