We will have the traditional Blessing of the Throats for the Feast of St. Blaise after all Masses this weekend, and after Mass on Monday. All are welcome to get their throats blessed immediately after the final blessing of Mass.
Bring your candles from home to be blessed at the beginning of each Mass this weekend, Feb. 1-2. Place your candles on the marble railing in front of Mary's altar before Mass, and then pick up after Mass is over.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of our beloved Deacon Eddie Ramsey. May his soul and all the souls of our dearly departed rest in peace. The Visitation will be held at Canale Funeral Home (2700 Union Avenue Extended) on Sunday, January 19 from 3pm - 5pm. Rosary at 5pm. The Funeral Mass will be held at St. Peter on Monday, January 20 at 1pm with a reception to follow in the Parish Hall.
Our sandwich ministry benefits First Presbyterian Church's Sunday Soup Kitchen and all are invited to make sandwiches. For full details and sandwich making instructions please see below.
If you are coming to St. Peter during the week for Daily Mass or another parish event, you may park in the parking lot across the street (201 Adams) for free with your St. Peter Parking Sign or Decal. Signs are available in the church, chapel, and church office. For more information, please call the church office at 901-527-8282. Note: You do not need a decal or sign on weekends or after 4 PM on weekdays.
The following parish activities will NOT be offered this weekend due to the winter weather: Coffee and Donuts following 8:30 Mass, Sunday Social following the 11:00 Mass, 9:45 Rosary, Faith Formation for Children and Teens (including Nursery, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Confirmation Class, and High School Youth Study.)
Our parish office will be closed on Friday, January 10th due to the winter weather. If you have a medical emergency requiring a priest, please call 901-527-8282 and press 9. Confessions will be celebrated at 11:30 and Mass at 12:05 in the St. Martin de Porres Shrine Chapel as usual. Our Dominican friars live on site and are happy to celebrate Mass every day. However, please do not attempt to drive or walk to Mass if it is not safe for you to do so.
Due to the winter weather, the Reaching Higher: Our Journey in Faith Men’s Catholic Conference has been postponed for this weekend. A new date for the conference will be planned and communicated in the near future. Those that pre-registered, please watch for direct communications that will address most questions.
All regular faith formation for children and teens is scheduled to resume this Sunday, Jan. 12. This includes all atrium sessions, Confirmation class, and the nursery. In case of winter weather, we will update accordingly by Saturday afternoon.